Private Sessions


Are you at a crossroads in your life?

Dr. Carbone is available for

Past Life Regressions


Alleviation of Fears and Phobias

Weight Reduction

Releasing Non-Productive Relationships

Smoking Cessation

Improving Self-Esteem

Psychic Counseling/Readings

Fly Without Fear

Finding Your Soulmate, Finding Yourself

E.T. Abduction Counseling

Imagine waking up 7 days from today with
a clear plan of action for your life.

Experience Dr. Carbone’s powerful one-on-one sessions in person or by telephone.

You’ll amazed at what is revealed and how easily your life can be improved.

If you unable to meet with Dr. Carbone in person or by telephone, try her acclaimed home study self-help courses.


"My sister recommended I speak with you.  I couldn’t imagine how much I could change my life over the phone. Thank you"


-Julia Boyd, Sarasota, FL

“I know this sounds corny, but I’ve never truly been happy. I am now thanks to you... and you can print that."

-Steven Hobbs, Tustin, CA

"I used to smoke...a lot! Now I don’t smoke at all! I know you say that I did it, but it wouldn’t have happened without you.  My wife thanks you too!"

-Robert J. Scaro, Pasadena, CA

“There were things I never talked about with anyone. It was so easy to talk to you. I only wish I met you a long time ago. You’ve changed my life"

Elisha Perez, Huntington Beach, CA


Private Sessions with Dr. Carole Carbone

The rebirth of a soul in a new body.

Recurring Dreams? Unanswered Questions? DejaVu?.

Get the answers you seek.
call right now!
818-849-5338 or 818-855-1131

Dr. Carole Carbone, a pioneer in the field of past life regression, is now available for private one-on-one sessions.

Now you can finally get answers. Empower yourself and eliminate phobias, fears and non-productive patterns. Redraw your life’s blueprint.

Personal Phone Sessions Now Available 
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