Self Help
Home Study Courses
Self Help
Home Study Courses
New! STAR CHILD! - Channeling financial prosperity to your soul from other planets
The method is unusual, the results are out of this world! This course is unlike any other you have taken or will ever take. You will become wealthy! You are a child of the Universe. You have lived many lifetimes not only on this planet, but also on planets much more advanced. You are on planet Earth right now, but the prosperity consciousness forgotten over lifetimes on more advanced planets is still deep within your subconscious waiting to spring to action at your beckoned call. Dr. Carbone guides you in unlocking your consciousness in a series of sessions that will enable you to tune into to the power of the Universe and reclaim the full financial prosperity that once was yours in lifetimes past. Ideas and blueprints appear before your inner eye and you act upon them! This is not just another course in positive thinking. It is a course in real, practical ideas from the Universe that absolutely work! Your current situation will change to one of unlimited wealth and peace of mind. If you are adventurous and you want to be free of financial worry forever, begin the journey NOW! Course includes 3 powerful CDs and an irreplaceable course book that is not to be shared!
LIFETIMES ON OTHER PLANETS - An audio regression adventure
Past life regression allows an individual to remember previous lifetimes to reflect upon the lessons of that lifetime and to release patterns that no longer serve. But did you know, that your previous lifetimes are not limited to Earth? There is a theory that we who are on this planet are the seeds of outcasts from other more advanced planets. We could not get along with each other and now here we are on Earth still trying to work out our petty differences. This unusual course will take you back in memory to several different lifetimes on other planets. You might perceive those close to you with amazing human features, yet they are not of Earth, their qualities are quite godlike. (as yours once were). Experience an unforgettable and exciting journey of your soul! Course includes 3 CDs and planetary workbook. [printer friendly form]
Did you know that every action, every choice and every word you speak is determining the foundation for your next incarnation? The lessons you fail to learn will be repeated in a different form in your next lifetime. The very challenges you avoid right now, will cross your path again in the next lifetime in a different situation, yet the emotional feelings will be exactly the same! Unfinished patterns in relationships will reappear. The individuals who will appear in your next lifetime may or may not be the same persons you know in your current lifetime, but their energy will be on the same level. And, the challenges and lessons you experience as you interact with them will continue until you finally pass the Universe’s test and agree to move forward in your soul growth!
This unique one of a kind mini-course contains 4 CDs and a detailed guide book that will allow you to accurately assess what you truly want to accomplish in this current lifetime and what you want to put on hold until next time around. Once your assessment is made, additional CDs project you forward to glimpse several future lifetimes based on your own various options. Returning to the present with this new wisdom and insight you will finally be empowered to make positive choices for yourself in this lifetime and the next!
New! BETWEEN LIFETIMES - Re-experience pure spirit time.
There is a place one’s spirit goes to shortly after the death of the physical body. This is a place of healing, a place of reflection on what was learned in that lifetime we have just left, and what lessons will be repeated in different forms in the next lifetime. This is a place where we are reunited briefly with the energy of our true soul mate in the perfected spiritual form, a place of unconditional love where we consult with our spirit guides and masters and review our spiritual progress. This is a place where unimpeded by physical distractions we begin to formulate the blueprint for our next lifetime including the choice of parents, relationships and numerous other challenges that will ultimately propel us forward in our soul growth.
This unique self-help class includes 4CDs and complete text allowing you to fully remember the planning stage shortly before you entered your current physical realm. You can then decide how much progress you have made, how far you have swayed from the original blueprint, and what you want to modify or improve upon. Once you remember the blueprint, you will understand that, what you do with it is your free choice! [printer friendly form]
PSYCHIC BALANCING - The Art of Attracting Perfect Relationships!
Miraculous? You better believe it! Dr. Carbone will turn your life around in this positive mini-course for your most positive future. You will learn how to attract individuals who are supportive of you in reaching your full potential and you will learn to release instantly (and non-traditionally) those individuals who no longer support your goals. [printer friendly form]
“For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face.
Now we know in part; but then shall we know even as we are also known”.
– Corinthians 1 chapter 13 verse 12
A journey of self-discovery unlike any other you have ever taken! We cannot tell you more beforehand. Only know, you will be changed forever! Includes Three CDs and Personal Workbook of Discovery. [printer friendly form]
This comprehensive home study course will give you the techniques to tune into those who have passed over, to help those who are earth bound go into the light and to help others find true peace after the loss of their loved ones. You will actually experience the energy of those who have passed from one realm to the other. You will communicate spiritually with those who have passed over, help others communicate and in turn experience true spiritual peace. Your knowledge will initiate a healing between those of us in physical bodies and those who have made the actual transition from body to pure spirit. Your course includes: comprehensive hands-on workbook,+ 4 CDS with detailed exercises for accessing the spirit world as well as protecting yourself from unwanted spirit energy.[printer friendly form]
New! RELEASING ROTTEN RELATIONSHIPS - Through Hypnosis and Laughter
Dare to take part in what might well be the most rewarding and cathartic experience of you life as you remember, reflect upon and release those who have used, abused, drained, pained, ignored and yes, bored you! Be forewarned, the methods are 100% unconventional! The results are 100% effective! You will take away from this experience the love, joy, power and fulfillment that are rightfully yours. Don’t miss out! Here’s what you’ll receive: 1 DVD to help you recognize patterns while you laugh the pain away. 2 AUDIO CDs and the most informative, life changing booklet you will ever receive in this lifetime or the next! If you’re sick of it all, this is the time to order. Can you afford not to?
Frustrated by non-productive relationships? Longing for your true soul mate? A soul mate is defined as someone who gives you unconditional non-judgmental love. A soul mate is someone with whom you have shared many positive lifetimes and in each subsequent lifetime you yearn with all your soul to be reunited once again. With a soul mate you can be yourself. A soul mate is indeed your other half. For only with a soul mate do you truly feel complete. Think it can’t happen in this lifetime? –It can! Dr. Carole Carbone promises you an incredible journey toward reuniting with your true soul mate. Her comprehensive course includes 1 DVD and 2 Audio CDs and a workbook all guaranteed to change your life forever. [printer friendly form]
The memories are with you. Most of them happened when you were very young. Who can you tell? Who will believe you? Will it happen again? You feel more comfortable when you leave a light on at night time. You remember the moments of being frozen, unable to move, to speak, to scream. Perhaps the tiny marks that appeared on the inside of your knee, your neck etc, only to disappear days later. The beings that appeared, you don’t remember them speaking and yet you knew who they were. You knew why they were there. You knew they would come again.
Perhaps the most difficult experience to live with is that of being abducted or visited by an extraterrestrial. Most experiences begin in early childhood. It is something that is rarely discussed, yet more common than one can imagine. This brief self-help course is designed to give you genuine answers and comfort in knowing that you are indeed not alone in your experiences. you are safe, protected and indeed very special. You will be able to decipher the difference between a star-child and a genuine abduction experience.
You will experience peace of mind and rejoice perhaps for the first time in the knowledge that you are one of the chosen few. The course includes a DVD, CDs and a workbook. [printer friendly form]
Give yourself or a friend the gift of life with Dr. Carole Carbone's powerful audio-video course "STOP SMOKING NOW! The method is non-traditional. The results are miraculous! [printer friendly form]
If you really have a desire to become slender and healthy Dr. Carbone will show you how with her powerful audio-video course "THINK YOURSELF SLENDER!" The excess pounds will melt away and you'll have fun in the process. It may be unorthodox and corny, but it’s guaranteed to work! [printer friendly form]
In this remarkable audio/video course Dr. Carbone instills you with complete confidence and unparalleled psychic tools, enabling you to speak before any group large or small, anytime , anywhere! [printer friendly form]
DEARLY DEPARTED - Prosperity Consciousness From Beyond
In financially challenging times did you know, you can truly benefit from the experiences of others...the experience of those that have already lived before! In our Universe, many good, wise spirits abound who have outstanding knowledge in achieving prosperity on all levels! They truly are sympathetic to what is happening in our lives right now and anxious to share their knowledge with us. All we need to do is ask!
Different cultures call them different names. Some are called guardian
angels, some are called spirit guides, some are called masters, some of us call them one’s higher self,some of us refer to their messages as ESP. The bottom line is, although they no longer possess their former physical bodies, their spirits have chosen to remain with us on this Earthly plain. These Spirits have immeasurable experience, knowledge, enthusiasm and insight. They can and want to help!
You actually receive messages and feelings from them each and every day. Until now, you just haven’t recognized the source. With this special course you will learn to channel from them the answers you need to achieve financial prosperity and peace of mind. As you develop your abilities to channel prosperity consciousness for yourself, you will also be creating and expanding this positive energy of prosperity into
the world for the ultimate benefit of all. Course includes detailed workbook and 3 very special CDs. [printer friendly form]
For anyone who has ever lived with or loved a feline this course is an absolute necessity. You will have an opportunity to enter you feline's consciousness and see what he/she is actually feeling for you. You will understand the unconditional love and the sensitivity. You will learn how to correct metaphysically the sometimes inappropriate behavior. Heartwarming and humorous, a must-have course for cat-lovers. [printer friendly form]
“This was the most eye-opening course I have ever taken.
_Tanya Wilkins, CA
“After years of smoking, I can’t believe it. The thought of a cigarette now makes me ill. Thank you."
-Cathy Ellison, NJ
"I’ve tried traditional dating and internet dating. I was like a magnet for “Mr. Wrong.” Two weeks after your class I found Mr. Right!"
-Tina McClure, CO
“After my second child I found it incredibly difficult to lose the weight. Your program made it easy."
-Toni Berg, NV
"I used to shake at the mere thought of standing in front of a group. Since completing your program, I am an active member of Toastmasters. Thank you!"
Todd Fleming, WA
“The whole idea seemed silly to me, but I must say “Jackie” (my cat) appreciates everything I’ve learned from you."
Michele Dupree, WI
“Thank you for helping me find my soul mate."
Sharon Reed, CA
“The CDs were totally mind expanding. Thank you for an enriching experience"
Richrad Valenti, NJ
New Self Help Home Study Courses • only $59
Dr. Carole Carbone - Phone 818-849-5338 or 818-855-1131
5152 Sepulveda Blvd. #200 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403